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时间:2024-05-07   浏览:9次

1、没有得到我要的,即将得到更好的。 I didn't get what I wanted. I'm going to get better. 2、我留在暮春,初夏,深秋,晚冬等你到来。 I stay in late spring, early summer, late autumn, late winter, waiting for you. 3、夜的残灯点亮心灵的灯盏,时光的空洞蹉跎岁月的晦暗。 The lamp of night lights up the lamp of heart, the emptiness of time and the darkness of wasted time. 4、我可以等你一个夏天,但秋天你一定要来。 I can wait for you all summer, but you must come in autumn. 5、你不是我脑袋里的交警,无权干预我的走向。 You are not the traffic police in my head. You have no right to interfere with my direction. 6、你有你的另一半,我有我的下一站。 You have your partner, I have my next stop. 7、最重要的不是治愈,而是带着病痛继续活下去。 The most important thing is not to cure, but to continue to live with the pain. 8、先行动,再等待机会,而不是等待机会再行动。 First act, then wait for the opportunity, not wait for the opportunity to act. 9、你这么成熟懂事,想必一定没人疼你。 You are so mature and sensible that no one will hurt you. 10、我们并没有说分手,而是很默契的不再打扰对方。 We didn't break up, but we didn't disturb each other. 11、这样的好天气,适合出门,适合与你,携手同行。 Such a fine weather, suitable for going out, suitable for you, hand in hand. 12、不哭泣并不代表我幸福,不言语不代表不在乎。 Don't cry doesn't mean I'm happy, no words don't mean I don't care. 13、这一生,我何其有幸才遇见了你。 In this life, I was so lucky to meet you. 14、当你没有欲望,你就会快乐,因为你永不会失望。 When you have no desire, you will be happy, because you will never be disappointed. 15、鱼和熊掌不可兼得,可自由和你我都想要。 You can't have both fish and bear's paw. You and I want freedom. 16、世界上没有绝对的公平,也没有绝對的无望。 There is no absolute fairness and no absolute hopelessness in the world. 17、南有红枫,北有白墙。乔木依稀,盼君归期。 Red maple in the South and white wall in the north. I hope you will come back. 18、无论我如何百毒不侵。你依旧是我的致命伤。 No matter how invincible I am. You are still my fatal wound. 19、这个世界上除了我,没有其它神。 There is no God but me in this world. 20、爱情里谁先开口谁先死,所以你不言我不语。 In love, who speaks first and who dies first, so you don't speak and I don't speak. 21、又是花开花又落,我对你的爱还是没结果。 Flowers bloom and fall, my love for you is still fruitless. 22、瀑布对悬崖无可畏惧,所以唱出气势磅礴的生命之歌。 Waterfalls have no fear of cliffs, so they sing a magnificent song of life. 23、就算很失望,笑容依然要灿烂! Even if very disappointed, smile still to be bright! 24、生活,就是生下来,活下去。 Life is to be born and live. 25、一杯清茶敬自己,一杯浊酒敬过往。 A cup of tea for yourself and a cup of turbid wine for the past. 26、对你的感情就像是我最隐晦的秘密,害怕被人提及。 My feelings for you are like my most secret, afraid of being mentioned. 27、人生只有必然,没有偶然。 Life is only inevitable, not accidental. 28、我可以惯着你,也可以换了你。 I can get used to you or change you. 29、风,吹起破碎的流年,我看见远方的寂寞,泪流满面。 Wind, blowing broken fleeting time, I see the distance of loneliness, tears. 30、想你的时候,只能通过别人来了解你。 When I miss you, I can only understand you through others. 31、在我的世界里没有第二个人比你更重要。 There is no other person in my world more important than you. 32、没有比脚更长的路,没有比人更高的山。 There is no longer road than foot, no higher mountain than man. 33、它只是只断了翼的蝶,飞翔是它再也无法拥抱的幻想。 It's just a butterfly with broken wings. Flying is an illusion it can't embrace any more. 34、不想做好人,也不想做坏人,只想做你的心上人。 I don't want to be a good person, I don't want to be a bad person, I just want to be your sweetheart. 35、时间是一场圈套,套住了回忆,也套住了自己。 Time is a trap, trapping memories, but also trapping themselves. 36、我相信会有人来爱我的所有,包括我的不温柔。 I believe that someone will love me all, including my tenderness. 37、最简单的幸福是做自己喜欢做的事,爱自己喜欢爱的人。 The simplest happiness is to do what you like and love the people you like. 38、若人生只如初见,那么似水流年会不会繁华一些。 If life is just like the first time, will it be more prosperous. 39、分手是需要练习的,伤口会慢慢变淡的。 Break up is a practice, the wound will slowly fade. 40、我做的最傻的事,无非在你身上浪费我宝贵的年华。 The stupidest thing I do is to waste my precious time on you. 41、如果我的人生是一场电影,你就是那弹出来的广告。 If my life is a movie, you are the advertisement. 42、失眠了,拿起一本物理书,一会就睡着了。 Insomnia, pick up a physics book, will fall asleep. 43、原来,并不是所有的伤害,只要说了对不起就没事了。 Originally, not all the injuries, as long as you say sorry, it's OK. 44、爱从微笑开始,随着吻成长,最后以眼泪结束。 Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with tears. 45、人生的路要靠自己行走,成功要靠自己去争取。 The road of life depends on oneself to walk, success depends on oneself to strive for. 46、天高地远,思慕何去何从。不求长久,独求曾经的拥有。 The sky is far away, where to go. Not for a long time, only to have. 47、我想有一天,你做饭,我捣乱。 I think one day, you cook and I make trouble. 48、失败于后,不如审慎于先。 Prudence is better than failure. 49、我记得最深刻的,是那个喜欢过,又分开了的人。 I remember the most profound, is that like, and separated from the people. 50、你有权保持不沉默,但我很快会让你沉默的。 You have the right not to be silent, but I will make you silent soon.






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